summary | ||
public |
Main class for ES5 compatibility. |
summary | ||
public |
F fromArrayBuffer(buffer: ArrayBuffer): string Convert ArrayBuffer to binary input for hasher |
public |
F toBase64(raw: string): string Convert binary result of hash to Base64 |
public |
F toHex(raw: string): string Convert binary result of hash to hex |
public |
F fromUtf(message: string): string Convert UTF8/UTF16 string to binary input for hasher |
summary | ||
public |
C Has160 Calculates HAS-160 hash |
public |
C Md2 Calculates MD2 hash |
public |
C Md4 Calculates MD4 hash |
public |
C Md5 Calculates MD5 hash |
public |
C Ripemd Calculates RIPEMD-160 (RIPEMD-128, RIPEMD-256, RIPEMD-320) hash |
public |
C Sha0 Calculates SHA0 hash |
public |
C Sha1 Calculates SHA1 hash |
public |
C Sha256 Calculates SHA256 (SHA224) hash |
public |
C Sha512 Calculates SHA512 (SHA384) hash SHA512/t (SHA512/256 SHA512/224) |
public |
C Sm3 Calculates SM3 hash |
public |
C Snefru Calculates Snefru v2.0 (2 rounds 128, 4 rounds 256), Snefru v2.5 (8 rounds) hash |
public |
public |
I Hasher Base hasher class |
public |
Hasher for 32 bit big endian blocks |
public |
Hasher for 32 bit little endian blocks |
public |
I Hasher8 Hasher for 8 bit blocks |
summary | ||
public |
F rotateLeft(x: number, n: number): number Rotate x to n bits left |
public |
F rotateRight(x: number, n: number): number Rotate x to n bits right |
public |
F rotateRight64hi(hi: number, lo: number, n: number): number Rotate 64bit to n bits right and return hi |
public |
F rotateRight64lo(hi: number, lo: number, n: number): number Rotate 64bit to n bits right and return lo |